Hiring an expert has never been easier

Your trusted source for world-class risk consultants

Experts in providing quality reviews, risk solutions, and medical-legal opinions through independent analysis of practices, incidents and claims.

MD for Accuracy provides risk consultants and experts on standard of care, causation, injury, treatment, and risk mitigation. Our risk solutions can be customized to meet your risk, claim, and litigation needs.

Serving healthcare clients in law, insurance, and risk mitigation.

We are a trusted partner for a range of professionals doing work within the medical industry including:

Best in their field

Our medical specialists have been trained at and worked for the world’s most reputable medical institutions.

Consulting Experts

Our Medical Experts seek only the truth, and we clearly explain the medical foundations of each situation to our clients with honesty and transparency – and free from bias.

Record Reviews

Independent medical expert analysis of claims and events involving medical diagnosis and treatment.

Risk Mitigation

Review and recommendation of improvements to healthcare policies and procedures.

Sentinel Event Analysis

What happened, why, was there a breach in standard of care, and best next steps – including process improvement.

Consulting Experts & Expert Witnesses

Consulting Experts render opinions regarding causation and/or standard of care.

Expert Witnesses testify.

Medical Records Corrections

Review of medical records and issuance of addenda to correct errors.

Peer Review

Unbiased experts work with your team to analyze incidents while providing detailed feedback and suggestions for improvement.

"We're distinguished by our commitment to accuracy in our assessments, honesty in our determinations, and clarity in our communication."

Specialities Covered


Our practice has experts in a wide range of medical fields. Here’s a list of our most-requested areas of specialization:

– heart and cardiovascular conditions
– emergency situations and conditions
– hormone-releasing glands
– blood disorders and cancer diagnosis
– blood disorders and cancer diagnosis
– issues of the digestive system
– acute and chronic kidney problems
– disorders of the nervous system
– disorders of the eye
– musculoskeletal system, bones, joints
– surgical treatment of disorders affecting the nervous system
– pregnancy and childbirth
– developmental disabilities
– medical imaging to diagnose
– internal inflammation
– disorders of the urinary system
– nervous system impacts on behavior
– surgical treatment diseases and conditions
Don’t see the specialization you’re looking for? Our practice is growing. Contact our Member Services team to inquire about the specialization you’re interested in, Contact Member Services

A word from our founder.

“World-class medical experts are challenging to find and even harder to reach, yet the need for them has never been greater. Thanks to MD For Accuracy, gaining access to some of the best specialists in the world is as simple as clicking a button.”

Dr Mark Halsted

Triple-Boarded Pediatric NeuroRadiologist, Founder and CEO

Why work with MD For Accuracy?

Our clients choose to work with us because we provide them the following benefits:
Our interdisciplinary team of unbiased experts will help you reach the right conclusions.
We deliver only highly experienced experts who are outstanding communicators and who are distinguished in their field.
Each of our experts has decades of experience in healthcare. Many are global leaders in their specialties.
We offer training to our experts, and they are articulate, relatable, and precise whether speaking to hospital staff, providers, executives or a jury.
Efficiently locate exceptional sub-specialists.
We offer transparent pricing structures that can be tailored to fit each client’s budget.
Our experts are institutionally and geographically diverse – so we avoid local biases to advise re: Standards of Care and Process Improvement.

Let’s talk

If your client or organization could benefit from the insights of a team of world-class medical experts, we should talk. Schedule a discovery call today and let’s explore how we can help you.